Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lucid Fall - Do you see me? (루시드폴 - 보이나요)

Lucid Fall is an elite who has given up everything he have studied so far in engineering and became an indie singer. He is known to be swedish comic expert, because 1 - he got his degree in sweden and 2 - his jokes are so awkward it's funny in awkward way. He has another song called "Mackerel". Hopefully I spelled that correctly and yes the fish. It is saying how we can eat some tasty fish for cheaper price instead of expensive beef.

I like both of the songs and he has a very unique personality and sense. He was introduced to a lot of people through a show called YHY's Sketchbook and he is not working on his albums and performances.

Listen to Podcast(M4U with Denny) in Hustle Real Hard - Dok2

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